WordPress is fantastic web software you can use to create a beautiful websites or blog. WordPress is FREE and comes with loads of features and can grow with your web requirements.
Easy to use and used by over 60 million people, WordPress is without doubt the Internet’s most popular web developing software.
Is WordPress for you ? There is a very big chance it is and there are 100 of plugin and themes you can purchase to tailor the website design and features to your requirements. If you are a hair salon, a builder, a graphic designer or a web developer, WordPress is more than likely to be suitable.
Bespoke website development is mainly used when the client has specific functions in mind, got specific requirements and usually with much bigger budgets. Where a wordpress site could be up and running in a relatively short space of time, bespoke solutions can take much longer due to the amount of coding required.
There are positive and negatives no matter which option you chose and there are loads of others CMS systems available to use. Some of the include Joomla, or hosting with web builders but the issue you have here is setting up, managing and updating the website yourself. Its common that the user just doesn’t apply their time to do this and the website just gets left to fade away.
Using a reliable web designer and local to you is the best advice as they can advise you, help you, support you and keep you up to date with latest information.